The Way Forward:
A Comprehensive Guide For Homeowners Facing Eviction After Foreclosure.
Nobody wants a distressed financial situation to come to foreclosure but unfortunately, sometimes it does happen.
Often, the situation becomes increasingly disastrous because the homeowner isn’t aware they have options to help them avoid or reduce the resulting damage. It cannot be overstated: the worst possible outcomes result from the homeowner doing nothing once they become aware of the foreclosure.
Foreclosure doesn’t have to mean the end, either. As traumatic and unfortunate as the process can be, there are ways for the homeowner to find new housing and, eventually, a fresh start. With the help of available resources and professional assistance, such as from highly qualified House Karma experts, those facing eviction and their families can start the road to recovery almost immediately.

Make no mistake, however. Once you’ve been foreclosed upon and the sale has happened, time is not on your side. Your best chance is to seek assistance immediately and then move out without being forced out or evicted. This opens the door to financial assistance programs to help you find a new home. Not every foreclosure needs to end with sheriffs tossing a homeowner’s belongings into the street. But you must act quickly.
Understand Eviction Timelines
Although it depends on where you live and the laws that apply there, it’s possible you’ll have as little as 30 days to relocate once there has been a foreclosure sale. If you find yourself facing eviction, consult local experts to understand the laws and processes in your jurisdiction. Don’t procrastinate; otherwise, you may face few housing options outside of a housing shelter in the short term.

What Happens to Your Belongings Post-Eviction?
If eviction is inevitable, know what will happen to your belongings. In some areas, your items could be removed from your house, onto the sidewalk, or even the street. In others, they may be stored on the property for up to 30 days or moved to a storage facility by a licensed company. In these cases, the cost to retrieve your belongings can be considerable—sometimes upwards of $15,000.
Regardless, if your home has been foreclosed upon, you will have to move. Early on, you’ll have options to avoid the worst results, and help is usually available. But as time goes on, your options begin to dwindle, and you’ll find yourself making increasingly difficult choices. Those worst-case scenarios can be avoided, however, if you act and act quickly.
After the foreclosure sale has occurred has taken place, and your property has been sold or taken back, and you are no longer the owner of your home, the new deed holder will typically send a representative to your home to speak with you about your options and plans to move out. This representative is often a local real estate broker who has been assigned to resell the property.
You may hear the term “REO” used during this process. When a house is retaken by a mortgage lender through foreclosure, that home is often referred to as “REO,” or “Real Estate Owned.” Our House Karma experts specialize in the reselling process. House Karma experts prefer to collaborate with former homeowners to find the best possible outcome and are specially trained to help evicted homeowners get through this difficult time in their lives.
Keep in mind that even the most compassionate and helpful brokers are usually working for the lender or investor who now owns the house. Their primary job is to help all sides to the best possible outcome. They’re very familiar with how the process works, as well as the best resources for the former homeowners. But, in the end, the point of the foreclosure process is for the lender to recoup its losses by selling your former home.
If there is to be an eviction, a separate entity or department from the lender or new deed holder will handle the matter. Usually, it’s done by an independent law firm. Once it has begun, there’s really no way to stop it. So blaming the real estate professional or evicting law firm will not stop it. Even they have no say in the matter.

Hoping that an eviction will be called off or stopped is not a strategy. Is it possible to fight the process with the help of an attorney? Yes—but it’s also expensive and, more often than not, simply delays the inevitable. Having said that, consulting with a qualified attorney is always one of the best ways to consider all of your options. Doing nothing and hoping something will change virtually guarantees that you will have missed your best opportunity to make the most of a bad situation.
If you’ve been foreclosed upon, your best option is to enlist the aid of a trained real estate broker. They have the resources and expertise to help you locate acceptable new housing and relocate before the eviction is completed.
Although all of this sounds harsh, living through foreclosure becomes a matter of making the best of a bad situation. A foreclosure on your record will make it difficult enough to find rental housing. Having a foreclosure and eviction on your record will make it extremely difficult to find rental housing without the help of professionals who have seen the situation many of times before. The situation only gets worse the longer you wait. Your best chance is to accept the situation, make use of the expertise and financial assistance offered, and move forward.
Know Your Choices
Act Fast to Secure Affordable Housing and Navigate Eviction
If you’re in a tight spot and looking for affordable housing, don’t delay. Many affordable housing units and rental assistance programs have extensive waiting lists that can take months to clear. Make applying for these resources your immediate priority.
LEVERAGE HOUSING ASSISSTANCE PROGRAMS: Section 8 and other housing assistance programs can be lifesavers. These resources can subsidize or even cover your rent entirely, providing much-needed relief.
SEEK EXPERT ADVICE: For detailed, localized advice on eviction processes and handling personal property, contact a local attorney, seek out a Certified HUD Housing Counselor or contact a local NRBA member via nrba.com. All of these professionals will understand the rules and regulations involved in foreclosure and eviction and likely have resources to help you avoid the very worst results.
RELOCATION ASSISTANCE: Most lenders offer a variety of relocation assistance programs, which essentially provide financial assistance and other resources directed toward new housing for those facing foreclosure and eviction. However, the amount available typically decreases as the lender’s expenses (such as the eviction attorney fees) to resell the home increase, particularly after filing for eviction. Act swiftly to maximize this benefit. Often times you can receive enough financial relocation assistance to cover the first month’s rent and security deposit on a suitable residence.
THE EMOTIONAL TOLL: The consequences of eviction can be devastating for families, especially children. The possibility of being forcibly removed from the premises and/or watching valuable belongings put onto the sidewalk by strangers can do staggering emotional damage to people of any age. Don’t let the situation escalate to this point.
CREDIT IMPACT: Foreclosure will damage your credit rating significantly, which affects the potential for getting new credit cards or loans. A foreclosure remains on your credit report for seven years but responsible financial behavior can gradually shorten that time period and improve your credit rating, making it easier to purchase a home again in the future.
TAKE CONTROL: Facing eviction or the need for affordable housing is tough, but taking immediate action can mitigate the risks and provide you with more options. The key is to act quickly, consult local experts, and make informed decisions to restart your life.
YOU CAN OWN A HOME AGAIN: With the right steps, someone who’s undergone the foreclosure process can slowly restore their credit rating. Consider working with a credit counseling agency to develop a plan. A great place to start would be to review the resources offered at the end of this guide.
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
- Description: This program offers financial vouchers to low-income families, seniors, and disabled individuals to help pay for rent. The vouchers can be used for any housing that meets program requirements.
- How to Apply: Contact your local Public Housing Agency (PHA) as soon as possible to get an application form. You’ll be required to provide proof of income, identification, and other necessary documents.
- Website:
- Urgency: Waiting lists are often long, so apply immediately, especially if you’re at risk of eviction or foreclosure.
Public Housing
- Description: These are government-owned residential complexes offered at a reduced rate to qualified low-income families, seniors, and disabled individuals.
- How to Apply: Apply directly through your local PHA. They will guide you through the eligibility criteria, required documentation, and application process.
- Website:
- Urgency: High demand means long waiting lists. Act fast.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
- Description: Provides financial assistance for home energy bills, including heating and cooling expenses.
- How to Apply: Contact your state LIHEAP office without delay. Each state has its own application process and deadlines.
- Website:
State-Specific Programs
- Description: These programs are tailored to the specific needs of residents in each state and often supplement federal programs.
- How to Apply: Visit your state housing department’s website for detailed information and apply as quickly as possible.
- Website: Visit the resources page on HouseKarma for each state’s programs.
- Urgency: State programs also have limited funds and long waiting lists. Local Programs
City or County Rental Assistance
- Description: These programs are localized and may offer one-time or ongoing rental assistance.
- How to Apply: Contact your local government office or community organizations immediately for application details.
- Urgency: Local programs often have limited availability and high demand.
House Karma Assistance
Your Experts
- Description: Your House Karma experts often maintain a comprehensive list of local and state rental assistance programs and can guide you through the application process.
- How to Find a House Karma expert: Visit this page to find a local expert who can assist you.
- Urgency: A House Karma expert can help you navigate the complexities quickly, which is crucial if you’re facing immediate housing issues.
Detailed Steps to Apply for Rental Assistance
- Eligibility Check: Thoroughly review the eligibility criteria for each program. This often includes income limits, residency requirements, and other factors.
- Documentation: Prepare all required documents, such as government-issued ID, proof of income, rental agreement, and utility bills.
- Submit Application: Complete the application form as soon as possible, either online or through a paper form.
- Interview: Some programs may require an in-person or phone interview to assess your eligibility further.
- Waitlist: Urgent! Waiting lists can be extensive, especially for popular programs. Time is especially critical if you’re at risk of eviction or foreclosure.
Detailed Steps to Apply for Rental Assistance
- Eligibility Check: Thoroughly review the eligibility criteria for each program. This often includes income limits, residency requirements, and other factors.
- Documentation: Prepare all required documents, such as government-issued ID, proof of income, rental agreement, and utility bills.
- Submit Application: Complete the application form as soon as possible, either online or through a paper form.
- Interview: Some programs may require an in-person or phone interview to assess your eligibility further.
- Waitlist: Urgent! Waiting lists can be extensive, especially for popular programs. Time is especially critical if you’re at risk of eviction or foreclosure.
Whatever you do, don’t wait!
Foreclosure and eviction are life-changing events that no one wants to experience. The good news is that you can avoid the nightmare of watching your belongings tossed onto a sidewalk or being forced to live in a shelter—but only if you act quickly and decisively. Time is not on your side once you’ve entered the foreclosure process, and no one is qualified to go it alone. By immediately consulting qualified help, like a House Karma expert or an experienced attorney, you can at least soften the landing and perhaps even begin the rebuilding process. Don’t wait. Find your House Karma expert today for more information.